Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dr Ed's Lent Diet & Cleanse

1. Clean meats, preferably organic and grass fed (clean: no hormones/antibiotics)
2. Eggs, no hormones/antibiotics and cage free
3. Raw dairy, milk cheese, butter, yogurt and cream
4. Organic vegetables raw and steamed.
5. Organic fruit
6. Organic raw nuts and seeds.
7. Rare or cooked wild caught fish in moderation 
8. Raw unheated honey in moderation 

Abstained from:

Refined sugars, heated oils, fried foods, grains, breads, pasta, alcohol and pasteurized dairy.    

Here are the benefits I noticed from a 46-day Lent diet and cleanse:

1. Weight loss
2. Significant energy increase
3. Absence of muscle and joint aches and pains
4. Absence of offensive BO
5. Better focus
6. Less irritability
7. Sound nights sleep

Saturday,  April 30, 2-3:30 PM  Dr Ed's 60 DAY LIVE FOOD DIET & CLEANSE Find out why a primarily live food(foods not heated over 105 degrees) diet is one of the easiest and the healthiest ways to cleanse the body. Why go hungry, starve yourself or take fistfuls of herbs and supplements when it is not called for. Join me  and  like minded individuals on this path to optimal health & well being.  Cost: $20.  Limit: 8 people per class. Call 310-372-4200 or email for reservation.
Hermosa Beach First Thursday, May 5, 7-9 PM Come celebrate First Thursday, with massage therapist Katherine, myself and fellow upper Pier businesses. Stop by the office, just to say hi and let us show you our appreciation with a free adjustment, yummy live food treats or discount massage certificates.
Thursday, May 12, 7-8:30 PM  LIVE FOODS 101/ BREAKFAST-YOUR  MOST IMPORTANT MEAL  Find out why live foods(foods not heated over 105 degrees) are your healthiest food choice. Find out why  Dr. Ed's delicious, easy to make live food smoothie is the best breakfast choice you can make. Class includes smoothie demo and tasting. Cost: $20. Limit: 8 people per class. Call 310-372-4200 or email for reservation. 
Thursday, May 19, 7-8:30 PM    WHY PROBIOTIC FOODS ARE A DIETRY MUST  Probiotic microorganisms boost digestion & immunity, strengthen bones, promote youthful skin and guard against cancer and infectious disease. Class includes probiotic live food demo and samples. Cost: $20. Limit: 8 people per class. Call 310-372-4200 or email for reservation.
Thursday, May 24, 7-8:30 PM   LIVE FOODS TO DIE FOR  These yummy desserts are actually good for you!!! Class includes dessert demos, samples and recipes. Cost: $20. Limit: 8 people per class. Call 310-372-4200 or email for reservation. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nation’s Pediatricians Call on Congress to Protect Kids from Toxic Chemicals

  • CONTACT: EWG Public Affairs: 202-667-6982;
  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 25, 2011
Washington, D.C. – U.S. pediatricians are putting their considerable muscle behind the calls for Congress to overhaul a failed federal law that has exposed millions of children, beginning in the womb, to an untold number of toxic chemicals.
In its statement, Chemical-Management Policy: Prioritizing Children's Health, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act be "substantially revised,” as it has “been ineffective in protecting children, pregnant women, and the general population from hazardous chemicals in the marketplace.”
“When the nation’s pediatricians sound the alarm, it’s time for everyone to act,” Environmental Working Group president Ken Cook said. “These are the doctors who see and treat more and more children with autism, ADHD, cancer and other health problems that are on the rise in the U.S. and are associated with exposures to toxic chemicals. It is my hope that all members of Congress take the AAP’s call for reform seriously and think about the children they represent when it’s time to vote.”
“People are innocent until proven guilty, but toxic chemicals should not be,” Dr. Harvey Karp, a nationally renowned pediatrician, EWG board member and author of The Happiest Baby on the Block said. “The chemical industry must take the necessary steps to ensure its products are safe for human health before enter commerce and work their way into our children's vulnerable bodies.”
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) took the charge to reform the outdated law once again, and recently introduced the federal Safe Chemicals Act of 2011. Lautenberg’s legislation would establish a protective standard by which chemicals’ safety would be determined. It would go a long way to eliminating spurious claims of confidential business information, which currently allow health and safety information of common chemicals to be withheld from the public, medical professionals and even within the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA would set priorities among more than 84,000 chemicals in the agency’s inventory, insuring the most problematic and hazardous chemicals are acted upon first.
# # #
EWG is a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, DC that uses the power of information to protect human health and the environment.

Losing Ground EnvironmentalWG

Monday, April 25, 2011

"God expects human beings to take initiative in overcoming the obstacles that they face. Although He requires that we pray and seek anointing when sick (Jms 5:14), this should not be considered a way to merely get rid of the effects-a spiritual "aspirin". Try to learn what caused your ailments and do whatever possible to prevent relapse. In His infinite wisdom, God knows that there is something we can do to change or remove the cause, so that we do not repeatedly suffer the effect," (God's principle of Healthful Living)
God does not want us to be ignorant of how a cause and effect related to healthful living. Applying these principles in a balance way yields great benefits. Healthful living is not a end itself. Avoid getting carried away or becoming obsessed with health- do not make it your god!. (God's principle for Heallthful Living)
If a pharmaceutical company sold a drug with such proven results as that of regular, sustained exercise, it would be extensively advertised on mass media and widely reported on national news. It would net the company billions of dollars. * (God's Principle of Healthful Living)
When the prophet Daniel informed his captors that he could not be defiled by the unclean food and fortified wine served daily to Babylonians, Daniel was not suggesting a random test to see wheatear he would benefit by eating “pulse” (Hebrew: zeroa, food that was sown- grown naturally from the earth-vegetable, fruits, grains, and, by extension, clean meat)-natural food. He knew that fruits CLEANSE, Vegetables BUILT, grains SUSTAIN and herbs help to HEAL. (God's Principles for Healthful Living)

Cuando el profeta Daniel informó a sus captores que él no podría ser contaminado por el alimento y el vino servido diariamente por los babilonios, Daniel no sugería  una prueba aleatoria  para ver si se beneficiaría comiendo "pulso" (hebreo: zeroa, el alimento que fue sembrado- crecido naturalmente de la tierra-verdura, las frutas, los granos, y, por extensión, limpia carne) -alimento natural. Daniel Sabía que las frutas LIMPIAN, las Verduras CONSTRUYEN, los granos SOSTIENEN y las hierbas ayudan a CURAN. (Principios de Dios para Vivir Saludable)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

¿Qué es el kéfir?

El kéfir es un hongo.

¿De donde proviene el Kéfir?

Hay muchas teorías sobre el origen del kéfir. Se comenta que proviene del Cáucaso, siendo heredado entre varias generaciones de tribus y secretamente protegido, pero poco a poco se fue expandiendo debido a los grandes beneficios que de él se obtienen.

¿Qué tipos de kéfir hay?

Kéfir de agua y de leche.

¿Que diferencia hay entre el kéfir de agua y el de leche?

El kéfir de agua se cultiva en agua y el de leche, en leche. Dicen que el kéfir de agua es mucho mejor que el de leche, pero el más extendido es el de leche y a la mayoría le gusta más su sabor.

¿Qué beneficios consigo tomando kéfir?

La ventaja principal es que ayuda a reforzar las defensas del cuerpo.

Mas informacion en el link original

Where does Kefir come from?

What follows is an interesting and true story.
The cauliflower like grains of Kefir culture were thought of as having amazing healing powers as far back as the eighteenth century, and great care was taken by the Moslem tribesmen of the Caucasus not to allow any of it to pass out of their control, for they feared loosing its healing powers. It was virtually bequeathed from generation to generation as a source of family and tribal wealth.
Word of this powerful food/medicine spread to areas far from the Caucuses, and at the beginning of this century the All-Russian Physician's Society asked two brothers named Blandov, who owned cheese manufacturing factories in the Northern Caucasus town of Kislovodsk, for help in obtaining the culture grains of Kefir.
One of the brothers, Nikolai Blandov, persuaded a lovely young employee, Irina Sakharova, to use her beauty to gain access to the much desired grain. She therefore traveled to the Caucasus where she attempted to interest a local prince, Bek-Mirza Barchorov, to assist her in this plot. When he declined to give up any of the precious substance she left to return to Kislovodsk, only to be captured by agents of the prince, who not content with not giving up the Kefir did not wish to loose the presence of the lovely Irina either.
Finding herself back in his presence and facing a proposal of marriage into the bargain she remained silent until a rescue mission arranged by her employers freed her. She promptly brought the prince before the Tsar’s court where she accepted grains of Kefir as the settlement of her suit for abduction.
In September 1908 Irina Sakharova brought the first bottles of Kefir to Moscow for sale where it was at first used for medicinal purposes. In 1973, Irina, then 85, was sent a letter from the Minister of the Food Industry of The Soviet Union, acknowledging her great part in bringing Kefir to the Russian people. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Supercharge Your Immune System

Mercola: Skip the Doctor - Use 'Grandma's Home Remedies' for These 7 Ailments

When you look at the science, it turns out your grandmother wasn't so far off on some of those home remedies she used to talk about. For example, it's really true that olives can help stave off motion sickness – but only if you eat them when the first symptoms appear. That's because olives contain tannin, which works to eliminate the saliva that triggers nausea.
It's also absolutely true that oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties, and that a finely ground paste of it can help soothe eczema. The neutralizing powers of yogurt and other probiotics also can help get rid of bad breath.
Gargle salt water for a sore throat, take a spoonful of sugar for hiccups, and chew on a pencil for a headache – they all have a scientific reason why they work.
And, although there are no studies to back up putting Vapor Rub on toenail fungus, enough people have reported success with the remedy to warrant giving it a try.
Healing practices of yore; natural remedies that were passed from one generation from another, lost a lot of footing with the advent of modern medicine that has a pill for every possible ailment. But does that mean grandma, and all the women before her, were all wrong?
Of course not.
In fact, many of the ailments you experience can be addressed using very simple, natural means. Yahoo Health offers up seven different folklore remedies for common problems. Below I will review my own recommendations for these ailments.

Motion Sickness

Olives may be of some help here, but ginger is far better. It's traditionally used to treat nausea, but also seems to work quite well against motion sickness. To make a tea, simply slice off a small amount of fresh ginger and steep it in hot water for 30 seconds up to several minutes. Ginger is very potent, so taste it at regular intervals of about 30 seconds—it can get very strong fast!
Alternatively, for a quicker but less elegant solution, just take a half teaspoon of the fresh ginger and finely dice it with a knife and swallow it whole. It has worked every time I have had the need for it. It probably is the most consistently effective herbal food that I have seen work nearly every time.
In addition to ginger, the University of Maryland Medical Center also suggests using peppermint and black horehound, which is actually a traditional remedy for motion sickness.
These herbs can be taken as:
  • Dried extracts in the form of capsules, powders, or teas
  • Liquid extracts or tinctures
To make a tea using dried herb, put about one teaspoon of the herb into a tea strainer and place it in a cup of hot water. Avoid adding sugar. If you absolutely need some sweetness, try a couple of drops of liquid stevia instead.
Another excellent method that you can do whenever and wherever motion sickness strikes, is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It balances your subtle energy system and calms your motion sensors, and this will calm your symptoms of motion sickness and allow you to finally enjoy the pleasures of travel.

Bad Breath

The devil is in the details when it comes to the recommendation to use yoghurt to combat bad breath, because most of the yoghurt you find today is loaded with sugar and made from pasteurized milk. You do NOT want to use these commercially available yoghurts as they are more likely to do more harm than good.
Only use traditionally fermented yoghurt, such as kefir made from raw milk with no added sugar. Another alternative is to consume traditionally fermented foods (such as natto or tempeh), or take a high quality probiotic like Complete Probiotics.
How is it that these types of foods and bacteria can help against bad breath?
Because halitosis, or bad breath, is typically caused by systemic diseases, gastrointestinal and/or upper respiratory tract disorders, and microbial metabolism from your tongue, saliva or dental plaque—all of which are indicators of systemic unbalance, which can be remedied with probiotics in the form of an oral supplement or fermented foods.
In addition to reseeding the beneficial bacteria in your gut, I highly recommend limiting the primary fertilizer for the bacteria that cause bad breath, namely SUGAR and grains that rapidly break down to sugar. That automatically means cutting down on processed foods (which are high in both grains and sugars/high fructose corn syrup), as they cause bad odor-causing bacteria to grow out of control.
Beware that mouthwashes are only effective against bad breath caused by intraoral factors. Gargling and swishing can't help you much if your problem stems from an imbalance of bacteria in your intestinal tract, for example. 


Definitely do NOT use sugar for hiccups. There are many better options that do not involve spiking your insulin.
One interesting method that seems to work is to have someone hold down the tragus of your ear to close off your ear canal while you drink a FULL glass of water. This has been the single most effective remedy I have ever used for hiccups. It is the rare occasion where it doesn't work.


A really simple, inexpensive way to relieve the hallmark itch of eczema is to put a saltwater compress over the itchy area. You'll want to use a high quality natural salt, such as Himalayan salt. Simply make a solution with warm water, soak a compress, and apply the compress over the affected area. You'll be amazed to find that the itching will virtually disappear!
You also want to make sure your skin is optimally hydrated. Skin creams are rarely the answer here, but rather you'll want to hydrate your skin from the inside out by consuming high quality, animal-based omega-3 fats in your diet, such as krill oil. I also find it helpful to include a bit of gamma linoleic acid, typically in the form of primrose oil, as this works remarkably well for eczema. Products like "krill for women" are good for both sexes for this condition as they have both fatty acids.
(Plant-based omega-3s like flax and hemp seed, although decent omega-3 sources in general, will not provide the clinical benefit you need to reduce inflammation and swelling in your skin.)
Additionally, food allergies play an enormous role in eczema. In my experience, the most common offending agent is wheat, or more specifically, gluten. Avoiding wheat and other gluten-containing grains is therefore a wise first step.
Avoiding grains will also reduce the amount of sugar in your system, which will normalize your insulin levels and reduce any and all inflammatory conditions you may have, including inflammation in your skin. Other common allergens include milk and eggs. I recommend you do an elimination trial with these foods as well. You should see some improvement in about a week, sometimes less, after eliminating them from your diet if either of them is causing you trouble.
Last but not least, vitamin D in the form of sun exposure can be your best friend when dealing with eczema and other skin conditions, such as psoriasis.
Ideally, you'll want to get your vitamin D from appropriate sunshine exposure because UVB radiation on your skin will not only metabolize vitamin D, but will also help restore optimal skin function. High amounts of UVB exposure directly on affected skin – but not so much to cause sunburn! – will greatly improve the quality of your skin.
If you can't get sufficient amounts of sun during the winter months, a high quality safe tanning bed can suffice. A safe tanning bed will provide the optimized forms of UVA and UVB wavelengths, without dangerous EMF exposure.

Toenail Fungus

Interestingly, about five years ago I posted a video with the dubious recommendation to use Vicks VapoRub to treat toenail fungus. The response from my readers was amazing—hundreds of people wrote me to confirm it really does work!
My experience tells me that when such a large number of people anecdotally confirm something, it probably has some merit. So, although I can't explain why it works, it certainly seems harmless enough to give it a try. If you've ever had a toenail fungus, you know it can be a vexing problem that can last for years with no obvious solution, so this simple remedy could be a welcome boon for many.
One way to reduce your risk of fungal infections is to cut down on sugar, which feeds the fungi. Spending time in the ocean on a regular basis can also help.
I have also struggled with this problem and never found a prescription or natural approach to work until I started spending my winters in the sub–tropical environments.  About 1 ½ years ago I had a recurrence after wearing neoprene "Five Finger" type shoes for six months with no socks.
However when I spent the winter in the subtropics wearing no shoes and having my toenails receive hours of direct sun exposure every day the problem disappeared. The UV rays were more than enough to solve the problem. No Vapo Rub required.  This does take 4-6 months though of nearly daily sun exposure to work, in combination with wearing sandals most of the time so there is no moist environment for the fungus to grow.


If you're prone to headaches, I strongly advise you to evaluate your lifestyle to determine the root cause. There are many types of headaches, each with its own set of triggers.
For general headaches that do not appear to be due to tension or poor posture, I've found that avoiding wheat, grains, sugar, artificial sweeteners and preservatives, and all fluids but water seems to be particularly effective. Those suffering from recurrent migraines would also do well to heed this advice. Just remember to stay the course, as dietary changes do take some time to work.
Migraines are also another common type of headache and it has been my experience that artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame, trigger them in many people. So avoid all diet products.
Two methods that offer more immediate relief include intravenous magnesium and the Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT in particular is usually very effective for relieving pain of all kinds, oftentimes removing your pain in as little as a few minutes.

Upper Respiratory Infections and Sore Throat

There's a mountain of evidence showing that vitamin D plays a key role in your immune system, so maintaining optimal vitamin D levels is your number one defense against infections of all kinds, including upper respiratory infections.
The wintertime deficiency of vitamin D (which your body produces in response to sunlight) has been implicated in the seasonal increase in colds and flu, and a number of studies have suggested an association between low blood levels of vitamin D and a higher risk of respiratory infections. For detailed guidelines on optimizing your vitamin D levels, please see my article Test Values and Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency.
Another really simple and inexpensive treatment that is surprisingly effective against upper respiratory infections is hydrogen peroxide.
Many patients at my Natural Health Center have had remarkable results in treating colds and flu within 12 to 14 hours when administering a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into each ear. (A bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 percent solution is available at any drug store for a couple of dollars or less.) You will hear some bubbling, which is completely normal, and possibly feel a slight stinging sensation. Wait until the bubbling and slight stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear.
To treat a sore throat, few remedies are as tried-and-true as honey. Just make sure you use raw honey, as the vast majority of honey for sale in the United States is highly processed or refined, which, like most other refined foods, can promote disease and damage your health rather than help.
A simple recipe using all natural ingredients, such as raw honey, spices and herbs, can be found at the bottom of this previous article.

Depression is NOT a Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain - Here's Proof

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Salud! Quote of the week

There is a cause for every effect. When God's physical laws are broken, sickness and disease result. But if you diligently keep them, you will be healthy, happy and "brimming with life". David C Pack

Organic Bytes: Monsanto Madness, GMO Breast Milk, Nuclear Meltdown

Stop Genetically Modified "Humanized" Milk Cows!
Researchers at the China Agricultural University say they have forcefully inserted genetically modified human genes into cows to produce a breast-milk-like substance.
The research was funded by the Beijing GenProtein Biotechnology Company which hopes to soon sell its genetically modified dairy products in supermarkets.
Like cows injected with genetically engineered bovine growth hormone before them, these new "humanized" dairy cows are likely to suffer poor health while producing milk that is nutritionally inferior and more likely to trigger an allergy or increase cancer risks in the children or adults who drink it.
Cloned and genetically modified animals also suffer greater health problems, increased mortality and a high number of still births.
Food produced from these animals is dangerous for humans because the insertion of foreign genes into DNA strands remains an inexact science. These foreign genes hit the DNA strands in random spots, changing the way they are expressed (turned on and turned off) and creating proteins never before ingested by human beings. These novel proteins could prove dangerous for large segments of the human population who find they are allergic to them.

How to Identify GMOs Sold in Whole Foods Market

The video does not answer this question. I think this is still new for many people. If more people are informed and concerned about this, then we will see more information about GMOs on the products labels.

Activists with the Organic Consumers Association's Millions Against Monsanto campaign went to Whole Foods Market in San Francisco to try to identify which foods are genetically engineered, but couldn't get any help from store employees...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Utilities Knew Of Chrome-6 Contamination For Years

For Immediate Release, April 3, 2011
Contact EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982.
2004 Tests Found ‘Brockovich’ Chemical Nationwide
Washington, — Some water utility representatives have protested Environmental Working Group’s report of laboratory tests that found worrisome levels of chromium-6, a suspected carcinogen, in the drinking water of 31 cities across the country.
Yet the tap water industry was worried enough about the contaminant to conduct its own extensive survey in 2004 that found clear evidence of widespread chromium-6 pollution in untreated source water. The survey, conducted by the Awwa Research Foundation (since renamed the Water Research Foundation), an offshoot of the American Water Works Association, obtained data on 341 source water samples from 189 utilities in 41 states. The conclusion: chromium-6 is common in American groundwater.
Tap water industry representatives made no mention of their study when they testified alongside EWG at a Feb. 2 Senate environment committee hearing on chromium-6 pollution. There is no indication that customers of the189 participating utilities were advised of the chemical’s presence in source waters in their communities.
Chromium-6, also known as “hexavalent chromium,” is often called the “Erin Brockovich” chemical, after the crusading legal assistant who helped residents of tiny Hinkley, Calif, win a $333 million settlement from Pacific Gas & Electric Co, accused of dumping the chemical in local ground water. Actress Julia Roberts won an Oscar for her portrayal of Erin Brockovich in the 2000 film of the same name.
The 2004 industry study, which EWG obtained from a source and cited in its December 2010 report, Cancer-causing Chromium-6 Pollution in U.S. Tapwater, demonstrates that chromium-6 pollution was not confined to California.
“The tap water industry’s 2004 study is unmistakable proof that it has known about extensive chromium-6 contamination for at least seven years,” said Jane Houlihan, EWG senior vice president for research. “Water utilities should tell their customers any time they know that a suspected carcinogen has polluted local waters. People have a right to know what they and their families may be drinking.”
“I’d like to say I’m surprised at the utilities’ silence, but I’m not,” Brockovich said. “Instead of treating their customers like adults and sharing the test results with them, they shelved the findings, letting folks continue to drink water for years that could contain chromium-6.”
Pollution levels in untreated and treated water are not directly comparable. Even so, the two studies, read together, paint a picture of coast-to-coast chromium-6 pollution.
The industry research group provides its report Occurrence Survey of Boron and Hexavalent Chromium to water utilities and their consultants, who pay four or five-figure subscription fees and a document fee of about $300. (The report can now be bought online for $200 or more.)
# # #
EWG is a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, DC that uses the power of information to protect human health and the environment.

BPA in Food Packaging Study

BPA in Food Packaging Study

What happens when you try to get BPA out of your diet? The Breast Cancer Fund and Silent Spring Institute enlisted five families to participate in a study of BPA and phthalate exposure from food packaging to find out. Our results were published in Environmental Health Perspectives (March 2011).
For three days, we provided fresh food—not canned or packaged in plastic—to each family. They avoided canned foods and drinks and meals prepared outside the home.
The effect was significant. While the families were eating our food, their BPA levels dropped an average of 60 percent.
Our takeaway: you can reduce your BPA exposure by cooking fresh foods at home, avoiding canned foods, choosing glass and stainless steel food and beverage containers, and not microwaving in plastic.