By: Dr Ed's
I was a strange little kid. I wished for a dessert that was actually good for you. Many years later my wish came true in the form of live food desserts. I got this email for raw ice cream and had to share it!
I have a few spots left for my Wednesday night, yummy, live food dessert class. I'll be serving up raw ice cream, raw fruit smoothies, chia seed pudding and handing out recipes. See the details below.
3-lb universe
our adult brain is a 3-lb universe...
65% of it is saturated fat...making up 100 billion nerve cells
which then connect trillions of synapse
so as to response the inner & outer world around us
constantly nourishing detoxing & lubricating
babies are born precious with undeveloped bundles of brain & optic nerve ...
each of every cell absolutely requires a good fat diet for healthy growth
to fully nourish body & mind...healthy, happy, center & calm
good fat is essential for newborn & growing children
namely, unrefined nourishing saturated fat including mother breast milk & unrefined animal fat...
indeed the brain & optic nerve development totally count on exception
it's the law of nature
s m a r t a d d i c t i o n
let's have fun with this classic ice cream for smart kids...
organic unpasteurized ingredients a must
not only is it wholesome dessert integrating brain-eye food into smart diet
it's incredibly easy to make...
via 16 oz blending jar & no bother with any extra tool
the taste, oh so heavenly
it's the classic sweet-sour-&-fatty with creamy texture
sooo comforting to our innate human palate
sooo good we all lose our mind - kid & adult alike - every single time ;-)
Classic ice cream for smart kids
via 16 oz jar blending / serve 3
1) fill 1/3 jar with unpasteurized cream
[ ie. unpasteurized fat from pastured fed animal a must. Beautiful saturated fat & well-balanced omega3... ]
2) fill another 1/3 with sugar carb
[ 1 banana + 1 cup berry whatever in season / strawberry in this case + 1 tsp raw honey ]
3) the remaining space is filled with more fat nutrients & much more :

2 pastured egg yolk
[ precious saturated fat, complete range of essential amino acids as building block, vitamin B & D,
not to mention the most digestible source of Lutein for cell growth & defense... ]
2 TSP nut meal [ good fat / protein from soaked walnut / pulp from homemade coconut or almond milk ]
half lemon juice [ to enhance flavor + vitamin C ]
1/4 tsp of Celtic salt [ to enhance flavor + aid digestive juice + activate glial cellls which are smart brain cells for fast connection ]
1 tsp cinnamon [ sweet spice + balance blood sugar ]
1 tsp carob powder [ 3 x more calcium than mother's milk ]
1 tsp vanilla extract
[ if any empty space left...simply add more raw cream to fill up the jar ]
4) blend well for 5 sec
take the jar straight to freezer & store overnite
5) serve sunny outdoor
[ more vitamin D means more cell defense ]
with fresh mint leaf on & laugh on the side
smart fat for smart kids...
what a wonderful addiction
7:00 - 8:30PM
Class limited to 8
Call or email for reservation