Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Best Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

1 .Bao He Pian (Wan) (EzDigest™) An All Natural Chinese Herbal Supplement.

2. Drink mineral water with Lime.

3. Fennel tea or vegetable. The tea should best be sipped, not gulped, and should be of a moderate temperature, not too hot or cold. Fennel is used as a digestive traditionally by Indians. After each meal, there is a tradition of chewing some seeds of fennel. Fennel soothes the stomach, facilitates digestion, reduces flatulence and relieves the stomach of excess acidity.

4. Cardamom (Elattaria cardamomum) Cardamom has soothing effects on the stomach. It is especially beneficial if the gastritis causes heartburn.

5. Eat an apple. Eating an apple after a meal has also been found to alleviate acid reflux. Choose organic apples and chew well.

6.Ginger (Zingiber officinale) The extract of ginger is effective in treating the acid dyspepsia that is associated with gastritis. It is especially useful for people who consume more of a non-vegetarian food.

7. Papaya enzyme. Available in the form of papaya enzyme pills, this enzyme has helped end acid reflux symptoms for some people.

8. Take one teaspoonful of licorice root powder and mix it with pure ghee and honey. Take this twice each day on an empty stomach. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) The root of the licorice can soothe the inflammation and the injury to the stomach. It is also known to reduce the proliferation of Helicobacter pylori.

9. Bitter Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) The tea of the bitter chamomile is effective in allaying the gastritis that is caused due to tensions and worries.

10. Drink water. The water will dilute the stomach acid and wash down anything that might be planning on defying gravity, so a big glass or two of water after your meal might do the trick.