Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Change the Industry from the INSIDE of your home OUT

All-Purpose Cleaner

Never waste your money on "antibacterial" cleaners and soaps whose active ingredients have been linked to thyroid damage, water pollution, and the emergence of drug-resistant superbugs like MRSA. Instead, kill germs with this all-purpose vinegar solution. It'll only cost you about 20 cents!

Make It!
9 parts water
1 part white vinegar

Mix ingredients in a spray bottle and clean away!

For particularly nasty messes, such as a counter top after you've handled raw meat on it, squirt straight white vinegar on the surface, and follow with a squirt of hydrogen peroxide to knock out virtually all germs. (Remember to do a spot test first to make certain the surface doesn't discolor or otherwise react.)

Tile Cleaner

Common tile cleaners are laced with dozens of contaminants, including chemicals linked to cancer, reproductive damage, and hormonal harm. A 2009 analysis even detected formaldehyde, toluene, and benzene—components of gasoline—in the popular cleaner Comet. To clean greener, make your own scrubbing paste.

Make It!
½ cup baking soda
Castile Liquid soap (we like Dr. Bronner's)
5 to 10 drops of pure essential oil of lavender or rosemary, or tea tree oil (optional)

Place baking soda in a bowl; slowly pour in liquid soap, stirring until it looks like frosting. Add optional essential oils. Scoop onto a sponge, scrub, and rinse. You can also try cutting a lemon in half and using that as a scrubber.

Oven Cleaner

Avoid polluting your indoor air with the harsh ingredients that are often found in store-bought oven cleaners by using this homemade cleaning mix.

Make It!
2 cups hot water
1 Tablespoon natural dish liquid
1 teaspoon borax

Mix the ingredients, spray on a spill, let sit for 20 minutes, and wipe off with a clean cloth. For handling an extra-greasy mess, wipe off as much loose goop as possible with crumpled newspaper first, then use the spray.

Window Cleaner

Whip up a batch of natural window cleaner that won't aggravate allergies or asthma the way many store-bought formulations will. A bottleful will only run you about 40 cents.

Make It!
¼ cup vinegar
½ teaspoon natural liquid soap ( Dr. Bronner's)
2 cups water

Put all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake to blend. To use the cleaner, spray onto the glass, covering as much as you can finish wiping in a few minutes at a time, scrub as needed with the rough side of a kitchen sponge, and squeegee off. Use a cotton cleaning cloth to dry off the blade of the squeegee between swipes, and to wipe up any liquid that puddles at the bottom edges of the windowpanes. Toss the cleaning cloths into the wash basket, and enjoy your sparkling windows.

Lemon Oil Duster

Because household dust can be loaded with harmful substances like flame retardants, allergens, pesticides, and plastics chemicals, it's important to keep your home as clean as possible. However, many dust cleaners contain air contaminants and hormone-disrupting chemicals. Keep it safe by mixing up your own and using it to dust furniture and other surfaces where dust collects in your home.

Make It!
10 drops pure lemon oil
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
A few drops olive oil

Use a clean recycled flannel cotton cloth to mop up dusty surfaces.

All-Natural Air Freshener

It's ironic, but most air fresheners, because they're full of allergy- and asthma-inducing chemicals, actually worsen air quality. Sure, setting out a bowl of white vinegar is a go-to method for natural odor removal, but here's a recipe with a little added zip.

Make It!
Several orange peels
2 cinnamon sticks
Several cloves
Pot of water

To get rid of tough kitchen odors, bring the pot of water to a boil with the orange peels, cloves, and cinnamon sticks, and leave it simmering on the stove for a while.

Multi Surface Cleaner

If you need an all-purpose cleaner with a little more grit than our vinegar/water solution, try this natural cleaning concoction. (Always spot-test before trying it on a new surface.)

Make It!
2 teaspoons borax
1 teaspoon washing soda (not baking soda)
Hot water
4 Tablespoons vinegar
½ teaspoon natural liquid soap
¼ teaspoon tea tree oil
8 drops rosemary oil
8 drops tangerine oil
8 drops lavender oil

Dissolve borax and washing soda (find them in your store's laundry aisle) into 2 cups of very hot water, strain the mixture through a very fine sieve, and funnel it into a 1-quart spray bottle (or forget the sieve and just pour it in slowly, leaving behind any undissolved powder). Add the rest of the ingredients and shake to blend. Top off with more hot water and shake again.

Basic Laundry Powder

Many laundry detergents are loaded with questionable foaming agents and even migraine-inducing fragrance chemicals. Who would want to pay for a headache? Instead, save money and your health by making this laundry powder designed for warm-water loads.

Make It!
½ cup soap flakes or grated plain bar soap
½ cup borax
½ cup washing soda

Combine ingredients well and store in a jar with an airtight lid. Use ½ to 1 tablespoon per load.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

8 Crazy Obesity Triggers

Researchers are finding connections between everyday chemicals and the bulging-belt-line epidemic.

More Than Excess Calories
There's more to the obesity epidemic than eating too many hot wings and excess sitting. Certainly, poor food choices, particularly too much sugar and sweeteners, and a lack of exercise are major pieces of the obesity puzzle. But a landmark 2002 study, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found the obesity epidemic paralleled the increase of industrial chemicals in the environment.

Now researchers are finding that exposures to certain common endocrine-disrupting chemicals—not just lifestyle choices—could be programming us for weight gain, diabetes, and related problems. "We have to acknowledge the fact that obesity is not just about will power, that it's not just all someone's fault," says developmental biologist Retha Newbold, MS, CT, of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Timing of Exposure Matters
Animal studies suggest that exposure to certain substances during fetal development or early in life can disrupt the normal development of an organism's hormonal system, promoting the development of fat cells and hampering the body's ability to send and receive signals that allow it to operate in good health. This sets the stage for metabolic diseases like diabetes as well as a lifetime of weight problems.

A recent Environmental Health Perspectives study found suspected obesogens in the bodies of many pregnant women, who can pass them along to their developing fetuses. "It appears that exposure to certain chemicals during critical windows of fetal and early development could permanently program a person for obesity or diabetes, which may not show up for decades down the line," says Newbold. "We're talking about different modes of action. Chemicals could be interacting with the brain, pancreas, or liver, or the fat cells themselves. The end result is going to be obesity."

The Facts: Previous studies have found an increased rate of diabetes among farmers and pesticide applicators, but it appears that even the low doses that the general public encounters can mess with our hormones. Banned organochlorine pesticides that linger in the food chain, such as DDT, have been linked to obesity, along with organophosphate pesticides and carbamates (the popular household insecticide Sevin is a carbamate pesticide). "Pesticides are designed to interfere with a lot of hormonal processes that insects require to replace themselves," explains world-renowned researcher Theo Colborn, PhD, president of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange. "The same chemicals that affect insects affect us."
Avoid It: Eat organic! Researchers have found that it takes just five days of eating organic to rid the body of nearly all pesticide residues. If the obesity link isn't compelling enough to go organic, consider that other pesticides have been linked to certain cancers, ADHD, autism, Parkinson's disease, and other health issues. And instead of using foggers and insecticide to combat household bug issues, adopt natural pest-control measures in your home

Bisphenol A (BPA)
The Facts: Studies in the lab find that BPA has the ability to accelerate fat-cell differentiation, disrupt pancreatic functioning, and cause insulin resistance, leading to obesity problems. In addition, other studies have linked BPA exposure to neurological development problems and sexual reproductive problems, including male infertility, in humans.
Avoid It: Scientists still don't know the number one exposure source of BPA, but because the chemical is produced in such high volumes, it's been found virtually everywhere. Until more data is collected about how BPA gets into our bodies, one prudent step to take is to minimize your handling of cash-register receipts—some have a high BPA content—so tell cashiers you don't need a receipt for minor purchases. Also, choose food that's fresh, frozen, or sold in glass jars over canned food, since most metal cans contain varying levels of BPA.

Personal Care Products
The Facts: Phthalates are hormone-disrupting chemicals tied to obesity, and they are ubiquitous in the personal-care product industry, particularly due to the chemicals' use in synthetically fragranced products. A 2010 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found that children with higher phthalate levels in their bodies experienced stunted growth.
Avoid It: Avoid personal care products that list "fragrance" or "parfum" as an ingredient, and nix air fresheners and scented candles. They are likely laced with phthalates and a host of other hazardous materials. (Choose beeswax if you need candles.)

The Facts: Chemicals in vinyl chloride plastics called organotins persist in the environment, and are strongly linked to obesity. Exposure of mice to the organotin tributyltin (used on ship exteriors to prevent the buildup of crustaceans) before birth created permanent changes that pre-disposed the animals to weight problems. PVC plastics, such as pipes, vinyl flooring, and other vinyl products, contain dibutyltin, another organotin. Adding insult to injury, vinyl is also laced with phthalates, an obesogen listed above.
Avoid It :Avoid bringing vinyl products, including flooring, shades, purses, and shower curtains, into your home, and practice effective cleaning—PVC breaks down and can lurk in household dust.

Nonstick Products
The Facts: In a 2010 review article of published literature on the subject, Newbold links IDs perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) to obesity. PFOA (sometimes called Teflon) is used in many nonstick cookware and kitchenware lines, along with stain-proof coatings on furniture, greaseproof food wrappers, microwavable popcorn bags, and waterproof materials.
Avoid It: If you already own nonstick kitchenware, don't freak out. But when you start to see scratches and chips, replace it with American-made cast iron or untreated stainless steel cookware.

The Facts: Polybrominated biphenyls (PCBs) were used widely as flame retardants in the electricity industry, but they're no longer made because of the compound's environmental and health effects. Newbold says the obesity-inducing mechanism of PCBs could be similar to that of BPA and some pesticides, working through estrogen receptor pathways. (The same company that made the bulk of PCBs is now behind the push for a chemical farming system and genetically engineered food.)
Avoid It: Since people are exposed to PCBs by eating contaminated fish, meat, and dairy products, eating lower on the food chain more often can help reduce your exposure. That doesn't mean you necessarily have to go completely vegan, but you could ease into a more plant-based diet by giving Meatless Mondays a try.

The Facts: Soy is low in fat, but it's also a phytoestrogen, meaning it has plant-based estrogenic properties. Doses comparable to those eaten in the Western diet have been shown to promote fat-cell growth. Newbold says parents should be especially wary of feeding soy to babies or children. "Studies have shown that kids on soy formula have a tendency to gain weight," explains Newbold, who notes that soy affects developing children differently than adults. Babies born small for their gestational age who are put on high-calorie "catch-up diets" also face an increased risk of obesity later in life.
Avoid It: Since developing babies and young children seem to be most sensitive to soy, Newbold suggests that women breastfeed, if possible, and parent avoid giving young kids soy products.

The Facts: Not only do babies born to mothers who smoked throughout pregnancy face an increased risk of being born prematurely and underweight, but strong research also suggests that those same babies face an increased risk of being obese as they grow older. Nicotine (or nicotine plus some other component of cigarette smoke) could tinker with the child's metabolic system; researchers just aren't sure yet of the mechanism. Perhaps compounding the problem, low-birth-weight babies born to smokers could also be put on a "catch-up diet" referenced above, further increasing their risk of obesity later in life.
Avoid It: Don't smoke if you're pregnant, and do your best to eliminate second- and even third-hand smoke.

For more specific ways to detox your life, check out 12 Household Toxins You Should Banish from Your Home. @

Saturday, June 22, 2013

10 Hierbas y especias saludables para el cerebro.

Hierbas y especias saludables para el cerebro. Añadir estas 10 especias a su dieta para mejorar su salud cerebral.

La cúrcuma: Se encuentra en curry, cúrcuma contiene un químico que ha demostrado que disminuye las placas en el cerebro que se cree que es responsable de la enfermedad de Alzheimer.1

Azafrán: En tres estudios, el extracto de azafrán se encontró que era tan eficaz como los antidepresivos en el tratamiento de personas con depresión postparto.2

Sage (Salvia): Tiene muy buena evidencia científica de que ayuda a la memoria.3

Canela: se ha demostrado que ayuda a atención y ayuda a regular el azúcar en la sangre, a disminuirla.

Albahaca- Basil: Este potente antioxidante mejora el flujo de la sangre al corazón y al cerebro y tiene propiedades anti-inflamatorias que brindan protección contra enfermedad de Alzheimer5

Tomillo: complementar la dieta con el tomillo ha demostrado para aumentar la cantidad de DHA "" un ácido graso esencial "" en el cerebro .6

El orégano: orégano seco tiene 30 veces más poder sanador y antioxidante para el cerebro que los arándanos, 46 veces más que las manzanas, y 56 veces más que las fresas, lo que lo convierte en uno de los más poderosos protectores de neuronas en el planeta.7

Ajo: El Ajo promueve un mejor flujo sanguíneo al cerebro y elimino  las células del cáncer cerebral en un estudio hecho en el 2007,.8

El Jengibre: pueden el jengibre hacerlo más inteligente? Un estudio que combino el jengibre con ginkgo biloba  lo sugirió que sí. El extracto de Jengibre también puede ser útil en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Parkinson y la migraña .9

Romero: un estudio en el 2006 informó  que el romero disminuye el deterioro cognitivo en personas con dementia.10.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Cooking with brain healthy herbs and spices can boost your brain. Add these 10 spices to your diet to improve your brain health.

Turmeric: Found in curry, turmeric contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaques in the brain thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.1

Saffron: In three studies, a saffron extract was found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in treating people with major depression.2

Sage: Sage has very good scientific evidence that it helps boost memory.3

Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help attention and it helps regulate blood sugar, which decreases cravings. Plus, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac for men “” not that most men need much help.4

Basil: This potent antioxidant improves blood flow to the heart and brain and has anti-inflammatory properties that offer protection from Alzheimer’s disease.5

Thyme: Supplementing the diet with thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA “” an essential fatty acid “” in the brain.6

Oregano: Dried oregano has 30 times the brain-healing antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 46 times more than apples, and 56 times as much as strawberries, making it one of the most powerful brain cell protectors on the planet.7 Click to read about more foods that pack an antioxidant punch.

Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8

Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9

Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10


1. Masoumi, A., B. Goldenson, S. Ghirmai, et al. 2009. 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 Interacts with curcuminoids to stimulate amyloid-beta clearance by macrophages of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 17(3):703?“717. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-2009-1080.
2. Akhondzadeh Basti, A., E. Moshiri, A.A. Noorbala, et al. 2007. Comparison of petal of Crocus sativus L. and fluoxetine in the treatment of depressed outpatients: a pilot double-blind randomized trial. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 31(2):439-42.
Akhondzadeh, S., N. Tahmacebi-Pour, A.A. Noorbala, et al. 2005. Crocus sativus L. in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Phytotherapy Research 19(2):148-51.
Akhondzadeh, S., H. Fallah-Pour, K. Afkham, et al. 2004. Comparison of Crocus sativus L. and imipramine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a pilot double-blind randomized trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine4:12.
Moshiri, E., A.A. Basti, A.A. Noorbala, et al. 2006. Crocus sativus L. (petal) in the treatment of mild-to-moderate depression: a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Phytomedicine 13(9-10):607-11.
Noorbala, A.A., S. Akhondzadeh, N. Tahmacebi-Pour, et al. 2005. Hydro-alcoholic extract of Crocus sativus L. versus fluoxetine in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a double-blind, randomized pilot trial. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 97(2):281-4.
3. Kennedy, D.O., and A.B. Scholey. 2006 The psychopharmacology of European herbs with cognition-enhancing properties. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 12(35):4613-23.
4. Zoladz, P.R., and B. Raudenbush. 2005. Cognitive enhancement through stimulation of the chemical senses. North American Journal of Psychology 7(1):125-138.
5. Aggarwal, B.B., and S. Shishodia. 2004. Suppression of the nuclear factor-kappaB activation pathway by spice-derived phytochemicals: reasoning for seasoning. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1030:434-41.
6. Youdim, K.A., and S.G. Deans. 2000. Effect of thyme oil and thymol dietary supplementation on the antioxidant status and fatty acid composition of the ageing rat brain. British Journal of Nutrition 83(1):87-93.
7. Nutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture in collaboration with Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, ARS, USDA, Little Rock, AR. 2007. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of Selected Foods.
8. Das, A., N.L. Banik, and S.K. Ray. 2007. Garlic compounds generate reactive oxygen species leading to activation of stress kinases and cysteine proteases for apoptosis in human glioblastoma T98G and U87MG cells. Cancer 110(5):1083-95.
9. Kabuto, H., M. Nishizawa, M. Tada, et al. 2005. Zingerone [4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone] prevents 6-hydroxydopamine-induced dopamine depression in mouse striatum and increases supoxide scavenging activity in serum. Neurochemical Research 30(3):325-32.
Topic, B., E. Tani, K. Tsiakitzis, et al. 2002. Enhanced maze performance and reduced oxidative stress by combined extracts of zingiber officinale and ginkgo biloba in the aged rat. Neurobiology of Aging 23(1):135-43.
Mustafa, T., and K.C. Srivastava. 1990. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in migraine headache. Journal of Ethnopharmacology29(3):267-73.
10. Kennedy, D.O., and A.B. Scholey. 2006. The psychopharmacology of European herbs with cognition-enhancing properties. Current Pharmaceutical Design 12(35):4613-23.

50 Brain Foods from Daniel Plan

50 Brain Foods from Daniel Plan

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

 Average woman applies 500 chemicals a day to her body

by Leanne Hudson, Herald Sun
June 10th, 2013

YOU wouldn't want to eat food that contains high levels of toxic chemicals, but do you know what you're putting on your skin?

As you slap on body moisturiser or reapply a fresh coating of lipstick, you could be subjecting your body to a cocktail of less than beneficial chemicals.

That's the finding of a study by natural deodorant company Bionsen in the UK, which claims that the average woman applies more than 500 chemicals to her body every day during her beauty routine.

And new research by the University of California, Berkeley, found that lipsticks can contain as many as nine different metals. If used twice a day, they provided more than 20 per cent of a person's acceptable daily intake (ADI) for aluminium, cadmium and manganese. Some exceeded the ADI for chromium, a metal that has been linked to stomach tumours.

If applied frequently, several of the products would push those figures over the ADI for aluminium and manganese.

"Finding these metals isn't the issue; it's the levels that matter," Berkeley researcher Katharine Hammond says. "Some of these toxic metals are occurring at levels that could have an effect on long-term health."


Over-exposure to some chemicals has been linked to toxicity in the nervous system and cancer, but such studies aren't new. For years we've been warned of the possible side-effects of parabens (synthetic preservatives in everything from toothpaste to shampoo) and sodium lauryl sulfate (which creates foam). What's changed is the way companies label products.

Jorge Larranaga, senior certification officer at Australian Certified Organic, the nation's largest certifier of organic products, says: "There's a trend by some natural cosmetics companies to list the hazardous synthetic chemicals that aren't contained in their products, such as parabens, sulfates, mineral oils, synthetic fragrances or colours, TEA, DEA, glycols, silicones, PEGS, SLS ... the list can be interminable.

"But a list of [ingredients it doesn't contain] doesn't mean a product is free of synthetic chemicals. It's just free of the ones that are recognised by consumers, while still containing others masked under statements such as 'derived from corn starch'."

The Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists (ASCC) backs this up, saying: "There are no Australian standards defining natural cosmetics."


Parabens are one of those recognised ingredients. It was believed they were safe because they couldn't be absorbed by the body, until a study from the University of Reading in the UK tested human breast tumours and found that nearly every one contained traces of parabens.

It's now known that parabens mimic the hormone estrogen, which raises concerns over a link to breast cancer and fertility issues.

The ASCC says "parabens may have weak estrogenic activity," but it also says this activity is "short-lived".

A similar issue surrounds labelling of gold nanoparticles. Despite the American Contact Dermatitis Society naming gold the 2001 Allergen of the Year, gold nanoparticles have been lauded as the latest must-have beauty ingredient. Cosmetics manufacturers say the precious metal's anti-inflammatory properties can help prevent ageing.

Like parabens, they were seen as harmless. The ASCC says of nanoparticles: "The balance of scientific evidence is that there's no reason for concern for users of personal care and cosmetic products."

But a recent study by Stony Brook University in New York found that gold nanoparticles accumulated in stem cells and could accelerate ageing and wrinkling, slow healing and lead to the onset of diabetes.


It's this cumulative effect that has people worried.

Bionsen spokesperson Charlotte Smith says: "Beauty regimens have changed from a 'wash and go' attitude to [regular] fake tan applications, manicures and false lashes.

"Lots of the hi-tech, new generation cosmetics and beauty 'wonder' treatments contain more chemicals to be able to achieve better results, which means women carry more chemicals than ever."

Link to full post

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

10 Beneficios del Coco

En esta época de sol y vacaciones es oportuno destacar las bondades de uno de los regalos de la naturaleza más saludables y deliciosos, el coco. El nombre coco proviene de la era de los descubrimientos, pues a los exploradores portugueses que lo trajeron a Europa su superficie marrón y peluda les recordaba a las historias sobre el Coco que se les cuenta en España y Portugal a los niños pequeños para asustarles. A continuación te presentamos 10 beneficios de esta exótica fruta.

10.- Tiene propiedades suavizantes. Razón por la cual se suela usar como ingrediente en bronceadores, champús, jabones, acondicionadores, bálsamos labiales

9.- Los cocos tienen un alto contenido en proteínas y son bajo en hidratos de carbono. Son también fuente de ácido fólico, de todos los tipos de vitamina B, y de minerales como calcio, magnesio y potasio.

8.- El coco es un alimento apropiado en la diabetes y la obesidad. Además puede utilizarse para combatir las lombrices y otros parásitos intestinales. Para ello, hay que comer una cucharada de coco rallado fresco en el desayuno todos los días, hasta finalizar la cura.

7.- El coco es diurético y laxante,estimula varios procesos del aparato digestivo,ayuda a eliminar el exceso de alcohol del organismo,aumenta las plaquetas y ayuda a combatir la enfermedad del dengue.

6.- El aceite de coco tiene propiedades calmantes y regenerativas, además de ser antioxidante, antibacterial y anti-hongos.

5.- La leche de coco es muy diurética e ideal para combatir la retención de líquidos, ya que tiene un alto contenido en fibra que ayuda con los problemas de estreñimiento.

4.- La pulpa de este fruto caribeño es rica en magnesio, calcio y fósforo y fortifica las uñas, el cabello y los dientes.

3.- Es muy bueno para prevenir las manchas cutáneas.

2.- El coco ayuda también al sistema nervioso y muscular.

1.- Estudios recientes vinculan al coco con tratamientos para diversas enfermedades, como neumonía y Alzheimer.

Los increíbles beneficios del aceite de coco

Seguramente ha escuchado, ya sea tanto de su nutriólogo/a, médico o de algún conocido, que el aceite de coco es sumamente dañino para la salud y que su consumo puede llegar a provocarnos enfermedades cardiacas como un infarto al corazón, después de todo, a mi me enseñaron lo mismo. Prácticamente todas las escuelas de nutrición enseñan que este aceite es sumamente dañino debido a su contenido de grasas saturadas y que las mejores opciones son el consumo de aceites vegetales como lo son el aceite de maíz, soya, girasol u oliva debido al contenido de grasas mono y poli insaturadas que en teoría nos ayudan a proteger nuestro corazón. Lo curioso de todo esto es que tendemos a creer este tipo de información sin antes investigar por nuestra propia cuenta el verdadero porque de las cosas. En este caso al momento de investigar las verdaderas razones del porque prohibir el aceite de coco, mi sorpresa fue bastante decepcionante.

Dinero, dinero y solo dinero
La respuesta es sencilla. Dinero, políticas y el no entendimiento han llevado a satanizar un alimento que por naturaleza es beneficioso para nosotros.

Algunas personas saben que el aceite de coco está compuesto básicamente por grasas saturadas y constantemente los profesionales de la salud nos están diciendo que se reduzca nuestro consumo de estas grasas. Las palabras “grasas saturadas” prácticamente se han convertido en un sinónimo de enfermedades del corazón. Muy pocas personas conocen la diferencia entre los Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Media (MCFA’S) que se encuentran en el coco y los Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Larga (LCFA’S) y muy larga (VLCFA’S) encontrados en carnes y otros alimentos.

Algo de Historia
Si nos regresamos unos cuantos años a los 1950’s, las investigaciones empezaban a demostrar de los increíbles beneficios que el aceite de coco aportaba a la salud. Así que ¿Cómo es que el aceite de coco se convirtió en el despreciable y arterio-tapante villano que hoy conocemos?

La mayoría de esta culpa la tiene la Asociación Americana de Soya (ASA). Trágicamente el aceite que llego a remplazar al aceite de coco, fue el aceite vegetal hidrogenado (principalmente de soya), uno de los más dañinos que hay en existencia. Si usted ha estado evitando el aceite de coco debido a su contenido de grasas saturadas, entonces usted es una de las miles de personas que han sido engañadas por literatura y publicidad de empresas cuyo único objetivo es el lucro.

El Dr. Weston A. Price, conocido como el padre de la nutrición, viajo en los 1930’s a las islas del pacifico para estudiar a los habitantes de estas islas y poder concluir el porqué la extraordinaria salud de estas personas. Se dio cuenta que principalmente la buena salud dental y nutricional se debía al consumo de coco en toda su forma, es decir, aceite, leche de coco y su propia carne. Entre las islas estudiadas se encuentran Hawái, Samoa, Fiji, Tahití, Raratonga y otras más.

Tipos de Grasas
A las grasas se les puede categorizar como Ácidos grasos de cadena corta, cadena mediana, cadena larga y muy larga dependiendo de las moléculas de carbono que contengan. Entre más grande sea la cadena mayor será la carga que el cuerpo tendrá para degradar dichas grasas. Lo ideal es consumir grasas cuyo contenido sean de ácidos grasos de cadena corta y cadenas medianas debido a que solo estas se pueden utilizar como energía inmediatamente y no se almacenan (como grasa) como los de cadena larga y muy larga.

Propiedades del Aceite de Coco
Aproximadamente 2/3 de la grasa saturada del aceite de coco está compuesta por ácidos grasos de cadena mediana, la cual tiene propiedades antimicrobiales, es fácilmente digerida por el cuerpo para la obtención de energía y es beneficiosa para el sistema inmunológico. Lejos de que las grasas saturadas del aceite de coco sean dañinas para nuestra salud, realmente son proveedoras de salud. Los ácidos grasos de cadena mediana no tienen efectos negativos sobre el colesterol y ayudan a proteger el corazón.

Cuando el aceite de coco es ingerido, el cuerpo transforma sus ácidos grasos “únicos” en un poderoso antimicrobial capaz de derrotar algunos de los microorganismos más causantes de enfermedades. Las propiedades únicas del aceite de coco lo hacen, en esencia, un antibacterial, antiviral y antifungal natural. El aceite de coco está compuesto de 48% acido Laurico, 7% acido capriíco 8% acido caprilico y .5% acido caproico. Todos estos ácidos que se encuentran en el aceite de coco resultan ser antimicrobiales, antivirales y antifungales poderosos que arrasan con algunos de los microorganismos para peligrosos que existen.

Otra cosa que cabe mencionar es que todos los tipos de aceites, ya sean saturados o no saturados, provenientes tanto de la vaca o de origen vegetal como son el de maíz, girasol, oliva y demás, contienen el mismo número de calorías por ración. Todos. Sin embargo, los ácidos grasos de cadena media del aceite de coco contienen un poco menos de calorías. El aceite de coco tiene un valor calórico de 6.8 calorías por gramo mientras que el resto de los aceites tienen 9 calorías por gramo de peso. Estamos hablando de 2.2 calorías menos por gramo de peso. Una cucharada de aceite convencional contiene 90 calorías, una cucharada de aceite de coco contiene 68 calorías.

Una de las cosas que he logrado notar a través de la práctica, es que gran parte de las personas realizan su contenido calórico a través del método de cocción del alimento. Esto es a través del uso excesivo de aceite para cocinar. Hay personas que logran alcanzar las 500 calorías por día solo en el uso excesivo del aceite. Estos aceites por estar compuestos de ácidos grasos de cadenas largas y muy largas hacen que toda esa energía sea almacenada inmediatamente como energía (grasa) especialmente a la altura de la cintura y cadera. ¿Sabia usted que un exceso de 3500 calorías forman el aumento de 1 libra de peso?

Aceites Convencionales Vs Aceite de Coco

Al decir aceites convencionales me refiero a aceites como: aceite de maíz, soya, girasol, cártamo, canola, oliva, etc. Todos estos aceites representan grandes desventajas cuando se comparan con el aceite de coco.

A todos estos aceites les afectan 3 factores, y estos son:
1. La luz
2. El oxigeno
3. La temperatura

1.- La luz.- idealmente todos los aceites convencionales deberían de estar empaquetados en botellas de vidrio y oscuras. Si nos fijamos bien, prácticamente todos los aceites los encontramos en botellas de plástico y transparentes. Esto hace que desde el momento que estos aceites están en el estantes de los supermercados la luz artificial les este penetrando y de tal manera esto los hace rancios. Cada vez que el aceite se hace rancio se generan radicales libres dentro de el y como ya mencionado en ejemplares anteriores, los radicales libres son sustancias sumamente nocivas para nuestra salud. Ahora, el hecho que estén en una botella de plástico solo agravia más las cosas debido a que como estos aceites los vierten hirviendo dentro de estas botellas y como bien sabemos el punto de ebullición del aceite es mayor que el del agua, este aceite hirviendo degrada parte de la botella de plástico y al momento de consumir dicho aceite terminamos consumiendo parte de una derivado del petróleo, ¿y qué tiene que hacer un derivado del petróleo dentro del cuerpo? Nada, absolutamente nada.

2.- El oxigeno.- Por más rápido que se destape y cierre una botella de aceite el oxigeno le penetra y esto solo hace que nuevamente se haga rancio el aceite y por consecuencia se generen radicales libres.

3.- La temperatura.- Por último, las altas temperaturas les afectan a todos estos aceites haciéndolos aun más rancios y por lo tanto más radicales libres. Como se podrán cuenta el producto final termina siendo una verdadera amenaza para nuestra salud.

Otra cosa que aun no he mencionado y de gran importancia es que, la mayoría de las compañías (si no es que todas) usan solventes orgánicos para poder obtener el aceite de dichas fuentes. Solventes orgánicos como la acetona, cloroformo, formaldehidos y otros más que son sumamente tóxicos para nuestro cuerpo. El motivo de ello es que para poder obtener el aceite de una semilla o grano es muy difícil hacerlo al menos que se utilicen este tipo de sustancias, de lo contrario ¿como se explica poder extraerle el aceite a semillas y granos como el maíz, ajonjolí, almendras?

El aceite de coco produce Energía

Cuando consumimos grasas, esta es digerida y degradada a ácidos grasos individuales los cuales son reempaquetados en pequeños sacos de grasa y proteína que se llaman lipoproteínas. Estas lipoproteínas son enviadas a la sangre donde los ácidos grasos son depositados directamente en nuestras células adiposas (que soportan grasa). Sin embargo los Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Media (como los que contiene el aceite de coco) son digeridos y utilizados de forma diferente. Estos ácidos grasos no son empaquetados en forma de lipoproteínas y no circulan en la sangre como el resto de las grasas y por lo tanto no son almacenados como grasa, estos ácidos son enviados directamente al hígado donde son inmediatamente convertidos en energía. Por lo tanto el consumo de aceite de coco no significa el aumento de peso (especialmente a la altura de la cintura) por el almacenamiento de energía como los aceites convencionales, si no que este aceite es utilizado como energía al momento de consumirlo. Además, el aceite de coco es uno de los alimentos que aumenta el gasto metabólico. Los Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Media hacen que el metabolismo de cada uno de nosotros aumente de una forma considerable haciendo que se quemen calorías en exceso. Debido a que este tipo de ácidos grasos incrementan el gasto metabólico, el aceite de coco es una grasa que promueve la pérdida de peso.

Estudios realizados
Los investigadores pueden evaluar los cambios que se realizan en el metabolismo a través de medir los gastos de energía, es decir, el gasto de calorías usadas por el cuerpo.

En un estudio realizado, el gasto calórico de varias personas fue medido después de consumir alimentos cuyo contenido tenía Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Media y se encontró que en personas con niveles normales de peso se incremento en un 48% su gasto calórico. Esto solo significa que su metabolismo incremento a un punto donde estaban quemando un 48% más de calorías que normalmente tenían. En personas con sobrepeso y obesidad el gasto calórico aumento en un increíble 65%. Así que a mayor cantidad de grasa corporal que la persona tenga, mayor será el efecto que el aceite de coco tendrá sobre el metabolismo. Este efecto termogénico de quemar calorías no solo dura 1 o 2 horas después de comer dicho alimento, estudios demuestran que después de comer algún alimento con este tipo de grasas, el metabolismo se mantiene elevado por al menos 24 horas.

Investigadores de la universidad de Mcgill (en Canadá) han descubierto que si usted remplaza todos los aceites en su dieta que están hechos de Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Larga y Muy Larga como lo son el aceite de soya, canola, girasol, maíz, oliva y los similares y los cambia por uno que contenga Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Media como lo es el aceite de coco, usted puede llegar a perder hasta 36 libras (16.3 kg) de grasa corporal al año.

Otros beneficios
Cuando el metabolismo se incrementa las células funcionan a un mayor nivel de eficiencia, regenerando tejido más rápidamente al igual que el remplazo de células viejas y enfermas por células nuevas. Esto hace que el sistema inmunológico funcione mucho mejor. A diferencia de los demás aceites, el aceite de coco protege contra enfermedades cardiovasculares (al aumentar el colesterol bueno), cáncer, diabetes y todo un conjunto de enfermedades degenerativas.Recuerden que somos aconsejados de mantener un consumo máximo del 30% de grasas del valor calórico total, sin embargo, los habitantes de las islas del pacifico antes mencionadas consumen grandes cantidades de grasas, de hecho alrededor de un 60%, y ellos gozan de una increíble salud cardiovascular, prácticamente las enfermedades cardiovasculares no existen entre ellos.

El uso de aceites vegetales refinados realmente produce la ganancia de peso, no solo de su contenido calórico el cual es almacenado directamente como grasa, sino que tienen efectos destructivos sobre la glándula tiroides la cual controla el metabolismo. Los aceites poli insaturados (los convencionales) suprimen las funciones de la glándula tiroides reduciendo el metabolismo, justo lo contrario que el aceite de coco.

Hemos vivido engañados durante mucho tiempo por empresas que de lo único que se preocupan es el generar ganancias. Si nos ponemos a pensar un poquito nos daremos cuenta que justo en los años donde los aceites vegetales antes mencionados, especialmente el de soya, llegaron a ocupar el mercado, es cuando los problemas cardiovasculares aumentaron en gran escala. ¿Tendrá esto algo que ver? Compruebe por usted mismo los increíbles beneficios del aceite de coco y se dará cuenta de lo que nos tratan de ocultar. Después de todo, los dueños de las empresas alimenticias son los mismos dueños de las industrias farmacéuticas, y si usted enferma (el cual es el objetivo principal) usted es candidato/a a comprar un medicamento y por lo tanto consumirles nuevamente.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Conventional thought used to consider fats like coconut oil to be unhealthy and contribute to heart disease. We now know that this isn’t true. In fact, coconut oil is actually a heart-healthy food that can keep your body running smoother in a few different ways.

What are the health benefits of coconut oil?
Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida.

Coconut oil can also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control. People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar since coconut can help improve insulin use within the body. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Can coconut oil reduce cholesterol?
Coconut oil has a saturated fat called lauric acid, a type of MCT. It has been shown that lauric acid increases the good HDL cholesterol in the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels. Coconut oil lowers cholesterol by promoting its conversion to pregnenolone, a molecule that is a precursor to many of the hormones our bodies need. Coconut can help restore normal thyroid function. When the thyroid does not function optimally, it can contribute to higher levels of bad cholesterol.

How does coconut help keep weight balanced?
Coconut fats have special fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). It has been shown that breaking down these types of healthy fats in the liver leads to efficient burning of energy. One 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose, and contributes to more heart problems.

Is it true coconut can help with aging?
The oils found in the coconut have a positive antioxidant action in the body. This means they help our body stop the damage to other healthy fats and tissues in our body. Oxidation is considered a major contributor to cardiovascular problems and skin aging. Coconut oil can actually help our bodies reduce the need for antioxidant intake.

Is coconut oil good for my skin and hair?
We tell our patients that from the time of infancy through the senior years, coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizer for skin and hair. It has good amounts of the antioxidant vitamin E, which is very protective. If you are using on the skin regularly, it is best to try to find an organic coconut oil, to reduce the absorption of toxins and pesticides through your skin.

We even recommend new parents massage infants with coconut oil after a bath. One 2005 study of 120 babies showed that a coconut oil massage is safe and has health benefits.

How can I use coconut oil?
Coconut oil works in both baked goods like zucchini and banana bread and with vegetables. It is especially tasteful when paired with bitter greens like kale. You can use it as part of the onion and garlic sauté, where it offers a surprisingly different and pleasant full-bodied taste. It is also a wonderful addition to oatmeal to make it even creamier, while staying healthy.

Coconut oil can withstand the heat – making it a better cooking option.
One of our favorite protein shake recipes to help with blood sugar and mood is this one:

Dr. Pina’s Piña Colada
20 grams protein powder
3 oz low-fat coconut milk
3 oz pineapple juice
1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks or ice

Blend all ingredients together and serve.

You can also try our coconut pancakes.

Having healthy fats and plenty of protein is a wonderful way to control blood sugar, and stave off mood disorders and depressive feelings.

Does coconut oil have side effects?
The literature suggests that coconut oil is quite safe to take in reasonable amounts. While no formal study has figured out the exact amount for optimal benefit, it appears one to two tablespoons a day can be beneficial.